Build your dream brand to skyrocket your sales + stop staring at Pinterest boards
Inside The Color Course, we will walk you through exactly how to use the power of color psychology to convert your ideal client to customer just by seeing your brand.
If you’re ready to learn how color psychology can make brand-attraction automatic + skyrocket your sales - this is the place for you!

When you're trying to grow a business, branding is pretty much the last thing you want to worry about...
So that your website + social media actually convert clients.

So Many Brands Put Their Visuals On The Backburner + Don't See It As Important...
They throw in the towel - blaming their lack of sales on their offer, their messaging or just themselves.
When a simple color tweak could change EVERYTHING.
Let's take the guesswork out of your branding so you can build your virtual presence with clarity, excitement + a true understanding of how your client finds you + desires to buy.
The result? You'll feel 100% confident with your brand - knowing that when you're seen, your perfect people WILL buy.

Let me tell you an industry secret…
your audience is searching for you...
And it’s your job to help them find you with your visuals.
Whether you're a brand new business {just starting out} or have been around the block, here's the absolute truth:
Now more than ever before, being a brand that stands out - where people are automatically finding you - is the most important aspect of your business.
But, like all of my students before they enrolled in the Color Course, you may not understand how the big brands do it + where to get started with color psychology.
If that feels like the case for you -- The Color Course is the exact step-by-step manual you need to complete your brand + start attracting your audience on autopilot.
So...are you ready to upgrade your VISUAL brand...the part of your business that's PROVEN to account for 92% of the reason people buy?
Do you want to attract your audience subconsciously?
And not only bring in sales, but loyal customers?

By The End Of This Course, You'll Have Mastered:
Colors That Convert
How To Become A Client Magnet
Making Your Brand 100% You
Creating A Bestselling Brand
The Client Auto-Attraction System
Within as little as 14 days...you could be seeing your brand creating client auto-attraction like never before.
Above everything else…
The Color Course will give you the understanding, skills + exact strategy that will help you to step forward with your visual brand with confidence - so it can start attracting your perfect customer easily.
The best part is that color psychology works in the background of your marketing hands-free, so you can keep focusing on what YOU do best.
The Color Course is open for enrollment!
Ready to transform your brand + create sales on autopilot?

We usually never associate ourselves or our personalities with color.
Even though it defines so much of our daily experience.
My goal is to help you truly understand yourself - maybe even more deeply - with the world of color + to walk away from this section feeling more aligned to who you truly are + where you're headed.

How can you commit to visual marketing when you can't associate a specific brand message with ONE color?
I'm going to show you some key insights to your ideal client/audience so we can decide on the primary + secondary color you'll be using in your brand.
We'll then apply those colors in YOUR color tonal harmony palette.
We'll be going through:
- The power of color in marketing - how the greats use color psychology to skyrocket to the #1 competitor worldwide - and how you can use this knowledge for greatest impact
Can you imagine being able to harness this power in your brand?!
You can tell your audience everything about yourself, what they will learn + what results they'll get just from seeing your brand colors!

Truth Time: It's easy to hand your brand palette off to a designer...but they don't know your ideal client, your personality or usually anything about color psychology.
I'm going to show you how to choose a palette that combines your energy, your ideal client's intentions + color psychology in branding so it is truly unstoppable.
I'll show you the 5 key systems you need to integrate with color psychology in order to attract your clients like wildfire.
We'll be going through:
- Brand Photography: taking pictures that are reflective of your brand color + strategy {and look/feel amazing!}
- Stock Photography: finding photos to add to your arsenal to elevate your brand strategy visually {just like this one!}
- Website Integration: learn how to inject your colors into your website - I'm talking exact ratios + step by step walkthrough so there's zero confusion
- Social Media: time to push your new look out to every channel with a revamp - don't worry, I'll give you templates to make it fast + easy
- Press Page: book your dream podcasts + stages by putting your new color strategy to work
{So this huge visual change can be seen by your audience!}
I'm going to show you how to integrate these changes so you can focus on attracting clients + customers!

When You Enroll Today You Get...
The Entire Color Course 5-Step Framework
Step By Step Videos For Each Lesson
Templates, Workbooks + Walkthroughs
A Clear Roadmap For Hitting Brand Markers Step By Step
In my private consulting, I charge over $5k to get access to my Color Psychology Method!
But in order to get my Color Psychology Method into as many brands as I can, I want to give you the opportunity to enroll today for a tiny fraction of the cost...

I believe in your success.
And, if you do the work, it's my job to guarantee results if you implement the steps in the course.
So if you're staring at the dozens of courses you've already purchased + haven't taken...or if you're terrified of this course not working...
Then I want to give you EVERY opportunity to put The Color Course into action + see how quickly you'll see actual, tangible progress. That means brand palette chosen, website launched + visual presence changed for the better - where you'll start auto-attracting attention + visibility.
If you go through the entire course, do the work + still feel stuck with color + your visual brand...I will gift you a 60 minute strategy session with me to break through the stronghold.
Biggest Q’s Your Fellow Color Course Students Asked Before Joining...
I've Seen Similar Programs Priced For $2,000+. Is this a "lighter" version of true branding?
How Many Hours A Week Do I Have To Dedicate To This Course To See Results?
Is this for beginners? What if I haven't launched my business + don’t even have a website yet?
I really want to join + get started - but I’m afraid I’ll get overwhelmed + lose focus.
How Long Do I Have Access To The Course?
Ready to grow the only visual asset in your business arsenal that’s proven to
generate a huge ROI, connect specifically to your ideal client in a sea of competition + attract more visibility to your brand?

You should definitely give The Color Course a try if you're excited + motivated by any of the following...

You're ready to sidestep the entrepreneur fluff + master the knowledge of the BIG brands.
You want your branding to match the POWER of your messaging so you make 2x the impact.
You're ready to make your ideal client the hero of your brand story so they can't wait to work with you.
You're not seeing the results you want in your sales...and you think color psychology may be the missing piece of the puzzle.
You want people to see exactly who you are + what you offer from your branding - and resonate on a subconscious level instinctively.
So...are you finally ready to have a brand that attracts your ideal clients, builds trust + converts?
When you sign up for The Color Course, your brand will become a magnet that auto-attracts your ideal clients every single day like a lighthouse.

Still Feeling An Internal Struggle?
No sweat. Send me an email here + I'm happy to help answer any Q's you have.