May 10, 2020Want to know the first 5 tips to get started with for your publicity plan?
In this post, I'll get you started with the best ones {and ones no one else is doing!}.
These are my secret strategies that have gotten me booked on EOFire, Good Morning La La Land, TEDx, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Medium + so much more.

And before we dive in, I highly recommend taking my training series so you can identify your unique personality type + the visibility/publicity strategy that should go along with it!! Join here.
1. List Your Goals
Without a target to aim for, you’ll miss every time. It’s vital to start with figuring out why publicity is one of your goals.
Is it to increase your credibility? Make you more of a name in your industry? Up your following?
Remember, publicity is all about raising awareness. It’s not an overnight fame maker.
BUT, with a great, consistent plan, you can see amazing things come out of a successful publicity campaign.
Get really specific, list out 5-10 publicity goals + put them where you can see them daily.
2. Make Your Timeline
How many days/months are you going to dedicate to hitting your goal?
For example, you may want to go on a podcast guesting spree for 90 days.
Remember, this is a long game.
So a great start would be to figure out your different publicity goals for the entire year, then break down how much time you’ll dedicate to each.
Got it? Come up with your timeline, take a pic + share it in the free community!
3. Create Your Brand Video
This is where a lot of people get confused.
"Michelle, why on earth do I need a brand video? I’m trying to get featured!"
I know, but chances are, you’re not Marie Forleo yet.
So I want to help you dramatically increase your chances of booking.
And that’s with a brand video!
A brand video is a 2-4 minute preview of who you are, what you do, who you help + your big mission in life.
And, for a publicist, editor, podcast host or booking agent - this is what will set you apart.
Even if you have zero features, zero experience, zero logos…
They will relate to you because of your brand video + most likely? Book you.
Just ask one of my students Marta who is now a regular tv contributor. She jumped into publicity with zero experience but one heck of a brand video + is now rocking it!!
So go out there + make it!
And if you need step by step guidance on this process, just let me know. I do have this all outlined inside of my membership, The Visibility Lounge.
4. List Your Dream Features In Order
Where do you want to be featured?
If you’re aiming for magazines, then I need you to make a list of every single magazine you’d like to be featured in.
Podcasts? Make a list of your absolutely dream shows.
Here’s the catch.
After the big BIG ones, I also need you to research the medium sized + small ones.
This is VITAL because you’ll start small + build your way up!!
So list at least 20 of your dream features for me.
5. Create Your Press Page
It’s amazing how many pitches I see with media sheets or “one sheets”. *sigh*
Little do most people know that they never even get opened!!
Editors, hosts, publicists...they NEVER open emails with attachments.
{I’ve had students say they’ve paid THOUSANDS in programs that never even taught them this!}
So...please follow my advice + build a press page on your website!
That way, you can show exactly who you are + a booker will actually open your email!!
So, get creating + share your press page with me when you’re done!
If you're ready for the next step of your career, grab the Publicity pack so you can start pitching to podcasts, stages + publications asap! Grab it here.
Comment below: What tip are you going to start working on asap? Share it with me below! ⤵️
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