How To Build A Media List For Publicity Submissions

media list publicity visibility Sep 10, 2020
Whenever I start with a new client, I always want to see their media list.
{This is the list of podcasts, stages, publications, tv that they want to be featured in.}
Nine times out of ten it's either non-existent or it's a hot mess.
And I know normally you'd have to pay hundreds, if not thousands, for a program or a PR coach to show you how to do this...
But in today’s blog, I’m going to show you exactly how to get started now so you can dominate your publicity goals.

And before we dive in, I highly grabbing taking my Build Your Press Plan series so you can see some examples!! Grab it here.


How To Get Started With A Media List


There are lots of terms for this, but I like to call it a media list.

All it is is a list of places you'd like to be featured.

I recommend starting this list in a project management software like Asana, Trello or Clickup.

It makes the research process easier!

But if you'd like to get started with a sheet of paper, do it!

I just want you to start now.

Where would you love to be featured?

Write down these categories:

  • Podcasts
  • Summits
  • Stages
  • Publications
  • TV

It's okay if you're not even sure of exactly places yet for some of these categories.

Part of this process is teaching you how many ways you can be featured!

Take your time. Do some research.

Look at the magazines at your local grocery store.

Scroll through podcasts in your niche.

Write down your dream stages like TEDx or shows like Oprah.

We want you to start from a place of openness + creativity so these ideas can flow.

In the next step, I'll walk you through the dream five process.

Start with your overall list + then take a screenshot + tag me on Instagram so I can see.


The Dream Five

A dream list is great, but what are the chances of magically booking Oprah off the bat?
Probably on the lower side.
But the tangible way of getting you there is this dream five process.
And what that means is finding top features, medium features + smaller features.
It should look like this:
Top 5
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Medium 5

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Small 5

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

And you'll have this for every category you listed in the last step.

This is how you build a target you can actually hit.

And then build on the momentum until you book your dream feature! 

So take some time to do the research until you've completely filled out your list of top, medium + smaller features.

And don't forget to show me your progress!



Don't Forget The Research!


Now that you've built your media list, I want to go back to the research.

Remember how I told you to put all of this into your project management software?
It's because it will make the deeper research so much easier for you!
I want you to go through your media list one by one + make notes of the website links, applications links, email addresses for submissions, description of the feature, links to similar content that you're proposing + highlights of specific things you love about them.
This will be GOLD for the actual pitching process.
Because, as I've mentioned, very few pitches make it past the "open it in the first place" part.
But mine do :)



I know this can be a tedious process.
And I have no plans to leave you hanging.
Especially when it comes to giving a successful pitch!
The best place to get the intensive training on this process step by step {with templates!} is the Podcast Pitch Kit.
I'll break down every step of the process + even give you examples you can emulate for your own pitch.
I'll also give you example graphics, workflows + make it easy to outsource the process to your VA!
It is by far one of the most valuable purchases you can make for your publicity.



To recap, creating a Media List can be really straightforward if you follow the steps of the Dream Five + pursue an amazing pitch plan.


If you're ready to start pitching now, grab the Podcast Pitch Kit for just $37 + start seeing huge results! Grab it here.


Comment below: What are some of the features that made your Media List? ⤵️

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