Feb 18, 2019
Want to know how I went from a low-paid Hollywood stand in to a full time entrepreneur?
In this post, I'll share why I left Hollywood + jumped into owning my own online business.
This will be a good one!
And before we dive in, you should register for my free masterclass where I'll share my top secret Celebrity CEO Strategies to help you become a star in your niche in 90 day sprints!
They Stole Your Show.
I'll never forget that day.
I was working on a Disney show when I got the text:
"Did they pick up our show?!"
I had written, produced + acted a few months before in a pitch pilot {an example first episode you can shop around to studios in hopes of getting 'picked up'} I'd created years before called "Studio City".
We'd enlisted the help of family + industry friends to get this thing shot + been shopping it around Hollywood for months.
I jumped onto the internet to look up the article that had just published in Variety.
It said some other woman had 'written' this story + joined up with Warner Brothers + Fox to shoot the official pilot starring Eric McCormack. Oh, and did I mention they had put drugs into the storyline? Way to ruin it.
I remember throwing up into a nearby trash can as I sobbed behind a grip truck. My dream that I'd fought tooth + nail for had evaporated.
There was no way I could sue -- the legal fees alone would be insane.
My creative property was ripped out of my hands + there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.
I pulled myself together + went back to work standing in on the 30 minute comedy show I worked 3 days a week...barely making enough money to cover my groceries.
And, for a hot minute there, I fell into the despair of believing I would never be the captain of my own ship. I'd be the one swabbing the decks.
But, God, I didn't want to be.
Should I Become An Entrepreneur? Can I even do it?
My lifelong dream had died that day - was there something else out there that would work for me?
And I knew I couldn't be in a business that was so ruthless anymore.
I also couldn't ever let someone else control my work, my creativity + my money ever again.
So I quit Hollywood.
I spent the next few months creating an e-book {just to see if I could}.
Then I mastered Wordpress to get my first e-course published.
I started seeing this incredible new world where you could make whatever you wanted...then sell it directly to your customer.
No more pitching, no more hoping, no more 14 hour days on my feet in high heels.
I could create my own business + become an entrepreneur online.
I knew I would never go back.
After months of leading online challenges, building an email list + creating multiple online courses...
I finally figured out that {ironically} I had the tools to be able to help online business owners get seen + stand out in their niche.
All of the strategies I had used in television worked online.
And I had the benefit of guiding people that truly wanted to make a difference in the world, not just make a show.
Henry Winkler used to tell me that even the plumber turns on his tv when he gets home...
...but I've come to realize that more people are turning on YouTube + cancelling cable.
More people are starting their own businesses.
More people are looking for authentic guidance.
And I get to be a small part of that.
I get so much more satisfaction from a student booking TEDx than I did for myself.
When they get their first podcast interview, I dance with my pug Ollie in my living room.
Because it means I've created the opposite of what I endured.
People being SEEN + RECOGNIZED by the world...instead of suppressed + hidden from it like I was.
I think people can feel that.
I think that's why they find me + stick with me.
Visibility Vixen saved me.

I don't know if I would have recognized the strengths within myself if I hadn't have found my own business.
It pushed me to my physical + mental limits.
It exposed every single ugly attribute I possessed + forced me to improve my character.
It helped me forgive my past betrayals + release the hooks in my back from those who had robbed me.
It made me finally see + stand in who I really was under all of that muck.
And, honestly?
It could all disappear tomorrow. That's what Hollywood taught me.
But I'd survive.
I'd build again.
And that is the most powerful realization I believe we can ever find in our lives.
That - no matter what happens - we can always stand in our strength + rebuild.
Whatever brought you to this post, I want to put a little sunshine in your rainstorm.
If you've ever wondered, "should I become an entrepreneur?"...the answer may be yes.
It's a lot of work + there aren't a lot of roadmaps out there. No one size fits all.
But, if you have the work ethic, the drive + the hours to put into this thing, you can absolutely do it.
I'm nobody special. Just a girl that's obsessed with creativity + freedom.
If you want to be a successful CEO, I suggest you pin this so you can reference it later, then go register for my free Celebrity CEO class so I can teach you how to become a star in your niche in 90 days sprints.
Comment below:
What resonated with you the most about my story? Can your relate and if so, how do you plan on changing your future?
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